Software Links Last updated: 2010-07-18

It is sometimes difficult to know where to begin looking when you need free or low-cost computer software for a particular task. I've done all the work for you (well... some of it anyways), and though the suggestions below only represent my opinions and best judgements, I hope that you find them as useful as I do.

For now, I am only listing Windows software that is either free, or has an adequate trial version available.



  • Audacity:
  • Multi-track audio editor with many effects.
  • MP3Gain:
  • Lossless volume adjustment for MP3 files.



  • 1by1:
  • Small, simple MP3 player. Has a nifty single-window design to both browse and play files.
  • Apollo:
  • Small, simple MP3 player. It's no longer being developed though. An Ogg plug-in is available.
  • Winamp:
  • Good all-around player. Pro version adds more CD ripping and burning features.


  • CDex:
  • Good ripper for most users.


  • MP3 Tag Studio:
  • Tags MP3 files. Good right-click commands in Explorer. Trial shows an ad while program is running.


Hard Drive


  • Memtest86+:
  • Create a bootable floppy or CD that will test system RAM for errors.



  • HxD:
  • Another good hex editor.


  • Comes with word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications. Uses non-proprietary file formats, but works with Microsoft formats too.


  • EditPad:
  • Has a tabbed window and many other features. Pro version adds even more.
  • Notepad++:
  • Good for programmers. Provides syntax highlighting for many languages (or define your own) and allows folding (hiding) of nested code for readability.



  • IrfanView:
  • Allows image viewing, manipulation, and format conversion.


Malware Removal

  • Ad-Aware:
  • On-demand and active scanning.
  • Spybot:
  • On-demand scanning. Active scanning for registry changes. Mostly finds spyware.
  • VIPRE:
  • On-demand and active scanning. Trial functions for a limited number of days.


  • Autoruns:
  • Allows viewing, disabling, and deletion of all kinds of things configured to start with Windows. Like msconfig, but much better.
  • HijackThis:
  • Allows viewing and deletion of certain non-default startups, start pages, and browser plug-ins.


CD/DVD Burning

  • Nero:
  • Good CD and DVD burning program. Although it has become rather bloated with components most people don't use. Trial is time-limited.


  • WinRAR:
  • Great file compression program. Trial is time-limited, but keeps working after limit.

File Syncronization

  • Allway Sync:
  • Compares folders for differences and can also synchronize automatically. Free version for personal use only (limited to 20000 synced files per month). Anything less than a full sync can be awkward to perform though.
  • Beyond Compare:
  • Compares two (or sometimes 3) files or folders for differences and allows for easy synchronization. Loads of options available. Trial is time-limited.



  • GOM Player:
  • Easily plays most of the popular video formats. Has many options. Will auto-download most missing codecs.
  • VLC media player:
  • Easily plays most of the popular video formats. Has many options.



  • Firefox:
  • Great alternative to Internet Explorer.


Instant Messaging

  • AIM:
  • Official AOL Instant Messenger client.
  • BitWise IM:
  • Uses it's own separate IM network. Good File sharing, voice, drawing features, and more. Also supports IM encryption. Pro version adds better encryption, VPN connectivity, and more.
  • Pidgin:
  • Allows usage of numerous IM networks within one program. Also has many plug-ins available that add more features.
  • Trillian:
  • Allows chatting and other basic usage of the AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, and IRC networks within one program. There are more features in the Pro version.


Remote Access

  • Hamachi:
  • Great VPN program. Connect two or more computers securely through the internet as if they were on the same LAN. Commercial use requires a paid subscription.
  • LogMeIn:
  • Great VNC program. View and control a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. Fast and secure.